importance of soccer tape

Why Soccer Tape is a Must-Have in Soccer Players’ Bags (2024)

Soccer players know this very well. It can be extremely tiring to play the sport, especially at a high level. Throughout the 90 minutes, you will have to be involved in rigorous running, tackling, jumping, sliding, and dashing. On top of that, you need to have good technical skills so that you can actually play the game properly.

This is why you need every little advantage to your game – no matter how small it seems. Even soccer tapes, that may only feel like a fashion accessory for some players, are extremely necessary for a number of reasons. 

I do feel that soccer tape is a must-have item in every player’s bag. This is because it can be used in things such as injury prevention, performance enhancement, and keeping you comfortable and supported on the field. To know more about the use of soccer tapes in soccer, check out our article on why do soccer players tape their wrists?

In this article, we’ll look at the many advantages of soccer tape, the various types available, and how to use it. Understanding the importance of soccer tape, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, is critical to staying safe and performing at your best. So, let’s get started!

The Benefits of Soccer Tape

soccer tape in ankles

Do you think that buying a roll of soccer tape is a waste of money? If you do, you may also think that soccer tapes are for style purposes only. However, you’d be wrong because soccer tape has so many advantages. Here are a few that you should know about:

  1. Injury Prevention: Because of the sheer physicality of the sport, injuries are a common risk for soccer players. Soccer tape can help prevent certain injuries by providing joint and muscle support as well as stability. Taping your ankles, for example, can help reduce the risk of ankle sprains, which are a common injury in soccer. Taping your knees can also provide extra support and help prevent ligament tears or strains.
  1. Improved Performance: The performance of a player can also be enhanced through a soccer tape. As mentioned earlier, soccer tape can provide a level of protection for the players from certain injuries. This ultimately allows the player to play the game without fear of injuries, which is why their performance can improve a lot. Moreover, taping the wrist can increase power and control when throwing the ball, which can help wingbacks and wingers to make better throw-ins.
  2. Comfort and Support: Now, if you already have minor injuries and you still want to play the game, soccer tapes can be your best friend. During a game, soccer tape can give players more comfort and support. If you have blisters or calluses on your feet, you could use a soccer tape to cover those spots so that they do not get a lot of friction during the game. Also, you could use soccer tape to keep your shin guards in place and protect them from slipping during the game.
  3. Flexibility and Customization: Soccer tape is also a versatile item that may be customized to a player’s individual requirements. It can be used to make shoes or shin guards fit precisely, or to offer support to certain muscles or joints. Also, there are other kinds of soccer tape available, including adhesive, elastic, and kinesiology tape, each with special uses and benefits. As a player, you can test different types of soccer tape and then find what works best for you. Instead of trying to copy how other players are using them, try for yourselves and stick to what’s actually working for you.

Situations Where You can Use Soccer Tape

An example of a soccer tape

Now that we understand the importance of soccer tape, let us look at some common situations where you can use it:

  1. Blisters: Blisters are annoying and painful. However, in soccer players, they are extremely common. As players have to sprint and run for a long time, the constant friction from the cleats could lead to blisters on the feet. So if you have blisters on your feet, you could alleviate the pain and prevent it from getting worse by using soccer tape around the blister. 
  2. Calluses: Soccer players are also prone to foot calluses – especially on the toes and heels. In such cases, the players can wrap their calluses in tape to provide cushioning and ease discomfort while playing.
  3. Shin Splints: Soccer players frequently suffer from shin splints, which are brought on by overuse or repetitive stress to the shinbone. In such injuries, the shin can be wrapped in soccer tape to provide support and lower the risk of additional injury to the shin bone.
  4. Ankle Sprains: Another prevalent injury for soccer players is ankle sprains. To lower the risks of further damage to the ankle, players can provide stability and support to the joint by wrapping a tape around.
  5. Muscle Fatigue: Soccer players also have to face muscle soreness and fatigue regularly, which is they could use soccer tape to alleviate the soreness to a small extent. Especially the kinesiology tape can be a great item that players could use when they’re sore.
  6. Wrist Support: Goalkeepers, in particular, may benefit from the use of soccer tape to help support their wrists. When throwing the ball or blocking shots, taping the wrist can provide extra strength and control.

Types of Soccer Tape

Soccer tape comes in a variety of types, each with its own unique benefits and uses. Here are some of the most common types of soccer tape:

  1. Adhesive Tape: An adhesive tape is a non-stretchable tape that is frequently used to hold bandages or dressings in place. Such type of soccer tape is often used in providing support for the joints or to attach shin guards in soccer.
  2. Elastic Tape: Stretchy tape that offers support while allowing for flexibility and movement is called elastic tape. It is frequently used to wrap around joints or muscles and provide an extra layer of support. Hence, by using elastic soccer tape, injuries can be avoided or minimized by using elastic tape on the muscles and joints.
  3. Kinesiology Tape: Kinesiology tape is a type of elastic tape that is intended to mimic natural muscle and joint movement. It is frequently used to provide support, alleviate pain, and increase range of motion. Kinesiology tape is commonly used in physical therapy or rehabilitation, but soccer players can also use it to prevent injury and improve performance.
  4. Cohesive Tape: Cohesive tape is a type of self-adhesive tape that does not stick to the player’s skin or hair. It is frequently used to wrap around joints or to add support to muscles. Cohesive tape can also be used to keep dressings in place or to prevent blisters.
  5. Underwrap: Underwrap is a thin, foam-like material that is placed on the skin before applying adhesive tape. It reduces irritation and keeps the tape from sticking to the skin directly. Underwrap is commonly used to wrap around joints or to provide extra cushioning for blister-prone areas.

How to Use Soccer Tape

Using soccer tape correctly is important to ensure maximum benefit and avoid further injury. Here are some tips on how to use soccer tape:

  1. Clean the area: The first step in using a soccer tape is to ensure that the area is clean and dry. You could do so by washing the area or by simply using a damp cloth to clean it. Make sure to use a towel to dry the area as well.
  2. Apply underwrap: If you’re using adhesive tape, you’ll first have to use an underwrap so that any irritation or blisters is prevented. You will also have to place the underwrap over the area to be taped and smooth it out with your hands.
  3. Apply the tape: Now to actually apply the tape, start at one end of the area and apply the tape in a spiral motion, overlapping the previous layer by about half the width of the tape. Also, you will have to ensure that the tape is tight enough to provide support, but not so tight that it cuts off circulation.
  4. Secure the ends: Once the area has been completely taped, secure the ends with more tape or a clip to keep it from unraveling during play.
  5. Check for comfort: Once you have put on the soccer tape, you will have to make sure that it is not causing any discomfort. So, try to ensure that the taped area feels comfortable and is not causing any discomfort. If it is too tight or if it feels a bit uncomfortable, remove the tape and start taping the area again.
  6. Remove the tape: Understand that soccer tapes are not supposed to be worn 24/7. In fact, you will have to remove the tape as soon as you’re done playing the game or practice. When removing the tape, be extra careful to avoid causing any further injury or irritation. You can also make use of scissors to cut the tape. Then, you can slowly peel off the tape without pulling your skin with it.

Famous Players Using Soccer Tapes

As we’ve seen, soccer tape is an essential item that every soccer player should have in their bag. This is because it provides a variety of benefits ranging from injury prevention to support and pain relief. It’s no surprise that famous soccer players such as Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi use soccer tape during matches regularly. Soccer tape allows players to feel confident on the field, knowing they have taken the necessary precautions to protect their bodies and perform at their best. So, if you’re a soccer player or want to start playing, make sure to invest in some high-quality soccer tape and reap the benefits it has to offer.

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