what is the post in basketball

What is the Post in Basketball? (Explained)

If you’re a basketball player or an avid fan, you may have wondered ‘what is the post in basketball?’ So read on to find out what it really means.

In this article, we will discuss the post in basketball. We will define the post, explain why it is important, and discuss some of the best post players in NBA history. We will also provide some tips for improving your post game. So, without further ado, let us get started.

What is the post?

basketball hoop

The post is an area of the basketball court that is located between the free-throw line and the baseline. It is a strategic location for players to score points, as they are often isolated from defenders. Post players typically have a size and strength advantage over their opponents, which allows them to score in a variety of ways.

Why is the Post Important?

taking a free throw

The post is important for a number of reasons. First, it is a great place to score points. Post players typically have a size and strength advantage over their opponents, which gives them a number of scoring options. They can score with back-to-the-basket moves, hook shots, fadeaways, and putbacks.

Second, the post is a good place to pass the ball. Post players are often double-teamed, which creates opportunities for their teammates to get open. By passing the ball out of the post, post players can create scoring opportunities for their teammates.

Third, the post is a good place to set screens. Post players can set screens for their teammates to get open shots. This can help their team score more points.

Low vs High Post

The low post and high post are two different areas of the post. The low post is located near the basket, while the high post is located further away from the basket.

  • Low post: A low post is a good place for players to score points in a variety of ways. They can use back-to-the-basket moves, hook shots, and fadeaways. They can also use their size and strength to get to the basket for layups and dunks.
  • High post: A high post is a good place for players to pass the ball and set screens. They can also use their shooting range to shoot jump shots from the perimeter.

How the Post is Used

The post is used in a variety of ways in basketball. It can be used to score points, pass the ball, and set screens.

  • Scoring points: The post is a great place to score points, especially for players who have a size and strength advantage. They can use their size and strength to get to the basket for layups and dunks. They can also use back-to-the-basket moves, hook shots, and fadeaways to score points.
  • Passing the ball: The post is a good place to pass the ball because it is often isolated from defenders. This allows post players to see the entire court and make good passes to their teammates.
  • Setting screens: Post players can set screens for their teammates to get open shots. This can help their team score more points.

How to improve your Post Game?

basketball improvement

There are a number of drills and techniques that you can practice to improve your post game. Here are a few tips:

  • Work on your footwork. Good footwork is essential for being successful in the post. You need to be able to move quickly and efficiently in order to create scoring opportunities.
  • Learn a variety of post moves. There are many different post moves that you can learn. The best way to find out which moves work best for you is to experiment and see what you are comfortable with.
  • Practice with a partner. One of the best ways to improve your post game is to practice with a partner. This will help you get used to defending against different post moves.
  • Be patient. It takes time and practice to become a dominant post player. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep practicing and you will eventually see improvement.

What does it mean to post up?

Posting up is a basketball term that refers to when a player establishes a position in the post, which is an area of the court located between the free-throw line and the baseline. Post players typically have a size and strength advantage over their opponents, which allows them to score in a variety of ways.

To post up, a player typically will:

  • Back their defender down into the post.
  • Establish their position with good footwork.
  • Use their size and strength to create scoring opportunities.

There are many different ways to post up, and some of the most common moves include:

  • Back-to-the-basket moves: These moves involve facing the basket and using your back to shield the ball from the defender. Some common back-to-the-basket moves include the turnaround jumper, the hook shot, and the fadeaway.
  • Face-up moves: These moves involve facing the defender and using your footwork to create separation. Some common face-up moves include the crossover, the jab step, and the pump fake.
  • Putbacks: These moves involve scoring off of rebounds. Putbacks are a great way to score points in transition and capitalize on defensive mistakes.

How to Improve Your Post Game

Posting up is a valuable skill for any basketball player, but it is especially important for players who have a size and strength advantage. If you are looking to improve your post game, there are a number of drills and techniques that you can practice. With hard work and dedication, you can become a dominant post player.

Here are some additional tips on how to post up effectively:

  • Use your size and strength to your advantage. Post up on smaller defenders and use your size to get to the basket.
  • Be patient. Don’t try to force the issue in the post. Take your time and find the open shot.
  • Be a good passer. If you are double-teamed, be able to pass the ball out of the post to create scoring opportunities for your teammates.
  • Be a good screener. Set screens for your teammates to get open shots.

With these tips in mind, you can start to post up effectively and become a more effective player on the court.

Final thoughts

The post is an important part of basketball. It is a great place to score points, pass the ball, and set screens. If you are looking to improve your post game, there are a number of drills and techniques that you can practice. With hard work and dedication, you can become a dominant post player.

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