how to get scouted in soccer

7 Tips on How to Get Scouted in Soccer

For many soccer hopefuls, being scouted is a big dream. They imagine themselves playing at the highest levels of the sport. Getting scouted means showing off your skills to pro clubs and academies, which can lead to a successful soccer career. But it takes more than just talent to get noticed. 

You need dedication, hard work, and a smart approach. 

In this blog post, we’ll share seven important tips on how to get scouted in soccer. By following these tips, you can stand out and catch the eye of scouts looking for the next soccer superstar.

I. Improve Your Skills

First things first, if you want to get scouted in soccer, you need to focus on improving your skills. After all, it’s not just about natural talent; it’s about putting in the hard work to improve your techniques. 

So, take the time to practice fundamental skills like passing, dribbling, shooting, and ball control. Find a local soccer club or team where you can regularly participate in training sessions and engage in drills that target specific skills. 

Always try to get into the best team that you can find. By doing so, you will have great players around you and you can learn a lot from them. Also, you will have to compete against the top players for a place in the starting lineup, which will ultimately push you to improve yourself even further.

The more time you invest in practicing and honing your abilities, the more impressive you’ll be on the field. This will then eventually help you impress scouts through your performance. Remember, dedication and consistent effort in improving your skills can set you apart from other players vying for scouting opportunities.

II. Participate in Trials and Camps

striker dribbling the ball

Trials and camps are fantastic opportunities to showcase your talent to scouts and coaches. You should seek out events organized by professional clubs, academies, or scouting agencies in your area. These events often attract scouts who are on the lookout for promising players. 

Participating in trials and camps allows you to demonstrate your skills in a competitive setting. No scout will want to sign you if you only perform well in training and not in competitive games. So, in order to get scouted, you will have to participate in many trials and perform at your absolute best every time.

To maximize your chances, it’s important to be well-prepared as well. You have to maintain your fitness level and ensure that you are in optimal shape leading up to the event. 

In the trial, you’ll have to focus on showcasing your versatility by being open to playing different positions. Scouts value players who can adapt and contribute in various roles on the field. Moreover, if you show a good attitude throughout the trial, then you’ll leave a lasting impression within those scouts.

To help yourself withstand the pressure of such competitive trials, you can read our article on improving your mental toughness for soccer.

So, make the most of these trial and camp experiences to leave a lasting impression and increase your chances of getting scouted.

III. Create a Soccer Highlight Reel

Cristiano ronaldo scanning the field

In today’s digital age, a well-crafted highlight reel is extremely important when it comes to getting scouted. A highlight reel is like a visual resume that showcases your best moments and skills on the field. 

If you don’t already have a highlight reel, you should look to create one. To do so, start recording each and every competitive soccer game that you play in. You can ask your parents or a friend to help you out. Make sure that the recording is done with a quality camera and also try to ensure that you’re clearly visible in the frame.

Once you have your game footage, clip out your plays and create a highlight reel. In your reel, include your most impressive goals, assists, defensive actions, and overall gameplay. 

When creating your highlight reel, it’s important to select footage that truly reflects your abilities and potential as a player. Take the time to edit the video footage and present it in a visually appealing way. Keep it concise and focus on quality over quantity. Remember, scouts often have limited time to review numerous player profiles, so it’s crucial to capture their attention quickly. 

Creating an impressive highlight reel can greatly improve your chances of getting scouted. So, without wasting a lot of time, use a camera or smartphone to capture your best moments and create an eye-catching reel that shows your true abilities.

IV. Self-Promote

self promotion

While showcasing your skills on the field is essential, it’s equally important to actively promote yourself as a soccer player. In today’s digital age, social media platforms provide excellent opportunities to create an online presence and gain visibility. 

Once you have your highlight reel, it is important to get as many eyeballs on it as possible. After all, what good is an exceptional highlight reel if no one gets to see it.

First off, make sure that you’re active on social media. Create profiles on platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube, where you can share game highlights, training sessions, and even personal insights into your soccer journey. 

As you do that, you will slowly build a community of other players and even coaches or scouts.

Make sure that you engage and interact with them properly so that you open up new avenues for opportunities.

If you’re actively on the lookout for some trials, you can email your highlight reel to coaches and scouts from all over the country. Firstly, make sure that your email outreach is as professional as possible. Coaches don’t want to click spam emails as they probably get hundreds of those everyday.

For example, if you’re trying to get yourself into a Division I college team, you will have to email hundreds of Division I college coaches. Also, understand that you will not receive a reply from most of these coaches. However, you only need one YES from someone and you’ll cement yourself a place on the team.

V. Excel in Competitive Matches


While training and individual skills are vital, excelling in competitive matches is where you truly prove your worth as a soccer player. Therefore, you should always seek opportunities to play in high-level leagues, tournaments, or competitions. In such competitive matches, you can face tough opponents and showcase your abilities under pressure. 

When you play matches, always give your best. Show your technical skills, understanding of the game, decision-making, and teamwork. Display leadership qualities like communication, hard work, and a positive attitude. After all, scouts want players who can contribute to a team. 

Use competitive matches to demonstrate your skills, passion, and ability to perform in real game situations. You don’t know who’s watching your games and whom you will impress. So, make the most out of every match you play and give your absolute best every time.

VI. Start the Recruiting Process Early

Getting scouted in soccer is not an overnight process; it requires a long-term strategy. That’s why it’s crucial to start the recruiting process early. Begin by researching and identifying reputable youth academies, development programs, and scouting agencies in your region or even beyond. 

Joining a well-respected youth academy can provide you with top-level coaching, exposure to scouts, and a structured pathway towards professional opportunities. Take advantage of open tryouts or talent identification events organized by these organizations to showcase your skills and catch the attention of talent scouts.

It’s also important to reach out to scouts directly and express your interest in being scouted. Research professional clubs, academies, and scouting agencies and find contact information for their scouting departments. 

Write a concise and professional email or letter introducing yourself, highlighting your accomplishments, and expressing your desire to be scouted. Include your highlight reel and any relevant statistics or accolades to support your claims. Remember, the key is to be proactive and persistent in your pursuit of scouting opportunities.

VII. Build a Strong Network

soccer team

Networking is an invaluable aspect of the soccer industry and can significantly impact your chances of getting scouted. Building a strong network can open doors to various opportunities, including recommendations, connections with influential individuals, and access to valuable information. 

Start by connecting with coaches, teammates, and mentors who can provide guidance and support throughout your journey. Attend soccer conferences, seminars, or workshops where you can meet industry professionals, including scouts, coaches, and agents. 

To increase your chances of getting scouted, engage in conversations and ask for advice. Make a lasting impression by joining online soccer forums or communities where you can connect with other players. Share experiences and seek insights from those who have been scouted before.

Remember, building a network is not just about what you gain, but also how you contribute. Show genuine interest in others, support teammates, and offer help when needed. Being reliable and positive can help you establish meaningful connections.

A strong network provides valuable information, opportunities, and support, boosting your chances of getting scouted in soccer.


To get scouted in soccer, you need talent, hard work, and strategy. Follow these seven tips to boost your chances: improve your skills, join trials and camps, create a great highlight reel, promote yourself actively, excel in matches, start early, and network in the soccer community. Stay dedicated, focused, and persistent in your pursuit. It won’t be easy, but the rewards are worth it. 

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